The PLURK Experience!!  

Posted by riskbreaker

Have you heard about Plurk?? If not, you're not cool. Lol

Few weeks ago, when I was browsing my Facebook, I saw this link to Plurk. Of course I clicked it, and then I saw Plurk's site. I didn't pay attention 'coz I thought it's just another Twitter.

But few days ago, I got interested to it, so I created my account. And God damn! Plurk is so cool!!! I find it better than Twitter. Soooo better.

Plurk is a social-networking (like Facebook and Friendster) and a micro-blogging (like Twitter) service.

1. The name Plurk is a combination of people and lurk. (cute)

I just hope, I wont get tired of it easily. And I hope of these days, they will have a feature where in I can update through my mobile phone. (Twitter has this feature)

Here! View my profile

A(H1N1) scare in our School!  

Posted by riskbreaker

Our classes are suspended until Saturday because of the A(H1N1) scare here in our school.

There is no confirmed case yet, but there are suspected cases, thus our school is doing quarantine now.

Classes will resume on Monday!

Now! It's going to be 'borefest' at home!!

My New Favorite Show!  

Posted by riskbreaker

Two days ago, I saw this one-of-a-kind game show called "The Moment of Truth" on the 2nd Avenue channel. And I have to say, it's a nice show.

The drama is so intense. The fact that you have to reveal shocking truths makes the show so interesting.

You better watch it guys! I bet that you'll like it.

It's my new fave show!